20/21 Employment and Remuneration Report

The Association of Professional Engineers Australia, APEA, has just announced their 20/21 Employment and Remuneration Report with some very interesting results for engineers and the engineering industry.

Following on from the Covid-19 Engineering report the 20/21 Employment and Remuneration Report is your snapshot of the previous 12 months and the following 12 months.

Data from over 1200 engineers working across Australia in various engineering industries have contributed some vital information about the landscape and future of engineering in Australia. The biggest question about the highest paying industry was answered when the average total package of an engineer working in the Education and Training industry took home a total of $203,954. To see where your industry ranks make sure you download the report to find out the top paying industries.

Another surprising statistic to come from the 20/21 report is the average base salary by state/territory where those working in the Australian Capital Territory had 0% annual wage growth compared to Tasmania that displayed the highest wage growth with and annual growth of 3.3%. But the results showed that working in Western Australia was still your best state for the average wage being a little over $155,000.

Not surprising though, was that registration is still the biggest driver for wage growth comparing registered engineers to non-accredited engineers. A enormous difference of 26.4% in base salary comparing those that are registered to non-accredited engineers shows that RPEng, the accreditation from the Association of Professional Engineers Australia, is the best way for non-accredited engineers to increase their average wage. If you are not registered we would strongly encourage you to take a look at the RPEng website and start your application today.

Thank you to all the engineers that gave their time and took part in the survey. You have helped define the engineering landscape and give clarity to those engineers looking for direction and transparency in your industry. We value your contribution and we will continue to fight for the recognition, reward and respect for all engineers and the industry. If you wish to join APEA please click the join now button and start helping your industry and protect your career.

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