Evolving Transport causing Safety Concerns.

Professionals Australia raised health and safety concerns with Transport last year as the Branch consultations began. We received reports from members about staff becoming ill due to stress and anxiety around the consultation processes. We raised this several times with the organisation.

More recently in February we again raised the matter with Transport after obtaining evidence that people were having real health impacts after the poor handling of the implementation for staff who had not yet secured a role. In the meeting Transport made a commitment that managers would be directed to check in on staff and in particular staff who had been displaced.

Our feedback from you was that this was very inconsistently applied, and many staff had not had any contact to check in on how they are coping.

PA wrote to Transport requesting documents under s.120 of the WHS act to identify what Transport had done. We have received documentation which we are working through and will provide a further update once we have completed the review, however, it appears that much of the material seems to be from a global Transport wide perspective, but not at a branch level, where the actual harm is.

We would like to hear from any members who are or have been harmed, or are aware of staff being harmed by this process. Please email Brindha or Adrian to let us know.

Brindha Thiru [email protected]
Adrian Catt [email protected]